Sunday, October 25, 2015

10 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast, Super Effective!

There are actually a lot of great methods on how to get rid of pimples fast, but in this article, you will find the most efficient ways to get rid of your pimples by using the cheapest and easy to find materials. Pimple is annoying in a case that they can grow overnight and can ruin your appearances, it should be taken care very carefully or else it will leave a permanent mark on your face; here are the methods on how to get rid of pimples fast naturally.
How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast

10 Tips to Get Rid of Pimples Fast Naturally

Using traditional home remedies are great ways to counter pimples, they can be gotten very easily and they are cheap, here are the methods on how to get rid ofpimples fast at home using traditional remedies.

Egg white
Using egg white is one of the cheapest ways to get rid of pimples. Not only that, it will also help erasing the pimple marks on your face due to the effect of amino acid and all the vitamins. Simply get the egg white, whisk them properly and apply it onto your face, wait until it dry and wash your face, do this 5 times per day.

Orange peel (vitamin C)
Vitamin C is good for treating pimples, thus you can use orange peel to help you with your pimple problem. Orange peel also contains ascorbic acid and it easy to apply. Get some orange peels and just put it onto the problem area, let it sit for 20 minutes per day.

Pimple is a form of inflammation in your skin, you can use papaya extract to help with the inflammation. Papain contained in papaya can help with the inflammation and eliminates dead cells. To use it, simply mash the fruit; make sure to get rid of the seeds first and apply it into your face.

Tomatoes do not only contains a lot of vitamins good for your skin, but it also able to get rid of the excess oil which causes the pimples. Get some fresh tomatoes, cut it and apply it onto your face, let it sit for about an hour before you wash it with clean and warm water.

Honey is the best material to use if you want to know how to get rid of pimples overnight, honey can be mixed with a lot of other material and will be able to fix most of your pimple problems quickly. Honey mixed with cinnamon and honey mixed with strawberry are two of the most used methods. Mixed the materials together and apply the paste onto the problem area.

Aloe Vera
A solution for all kinds of skin problem is Aloe Vera; this popular herb can also be used to counter the pimple problems too. You can choose to use fresh Aloe Vera or you can get it in a form of gel. Benefits for using this natural remedy are it can eliminate bacteria, it has anti inflammation effect, and it will moisturize your skin.

Green tea
Green tea is also a good solution for pimple, you need to apply the green tea externally though. Green tea contains Epigallocatechin-3-gallate; this substance can help with skin inflammation and kills the bacteria. Boil some water and put 2 tablespoon of tea leaves, after it cooled down, use cotton bud and apply it onto your face; or you can spray it onto our face. If you cannot find green tea, you can also substitute it by using other type of tea herb, although the effect might be different, so try with caution.

Tea tree oil
The tea oil can also be used to treat pimples, tea tree oil has the ability to unblock the pores, get rid of the dead cells and also act as anti bacterial agents. Mix the tea tree oil with water; the ration is about 1 to 9 and use cotton bud to apply it onto your face.

Neem powder/oil
Neem can be pretty difficult to find but it is a great way to counter pimples due to its strong anti bacterial effect. You can use neem powder or neem oil to treat pimples, mix the oil or powder with water and use cotton bud to apply it onto your face, leave the paste mask overnight and wash your face with clean warm.

Baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate or is also popularly known as baking soda is actually one of the best solution for pimples. Baking soda is not only good for countering pimples but it will help makes your skin better and healthier. Mix water and baking soda with equal ratio, apply the paste onto your face for about 30 minutes before you wash your face with clean warm water.

Simple Pimples Prevention Tips

  • Be careful on what you use for your hair. Your hair can directly cause your pimples problem. These are things that you should be used sparingly; gels, oils, pomades, fragrances. Shampoo can also helps with oily hair problems; wash your hair daily to keep it clean.
  • Make up can make you looks great but if you abuse it, it may cause a much more permanent problem than what it can offer. Use make up sparingly if you can and make sure that you wash your face at the end of the day.
  • Keep the moisturizing on your face and skin at better rate. Dry skin can cause acne and pimple, so you need to moisturize your face and skin regularly. Drink water properly and use moisturizing gels which are made specifically to counter oily face.
  • Do not let stress get you, it is not a secret that if you are feeling stressed out, it will makes easier for the pimples and acnes to appear.
  • Beware of the sunlight, ultraviolet ray is bad for the skin, it the primary cause for skin inflammation.
  • Remember to always clean your face, clean face will prevent acnes and pimples. Do not rub your face even with your hand if you can as it can transfer the bacteria and other foreign objects. If you are able to keep your face clean, then you will not need this how to get rid of pimples fast and easy methods.


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